Classpages of Mr. PlencnerChicago History

Who is Mr. Plencner?





"Hog butcher for the world, tool maker stacker of wheat... Stormy, husky, brawling, city of big shoulders."

Carl Sandburg, 1916




Above is a photo of the spot formerly known as Wolf Point on the Chicago River. It is now home to the world's best collection of architecture.


What to worry about... Nothing! This page is meant to be a point of communication for the Chicago History class. It is where you can find helpful links, study guides, and other information. Grades can be found using your Aspen account.



Class Information

syllabus CLAF form for late work Remind


Study Guides

#1 Geography & French #2 Wheat Stacker #3 Growing City #4 Labor Wars #5 White City #6 Neighborhoods #7 Daleytown



Dissecting the G Thesis Banana PEEL Black RobeTrue Ft. Dearborn Pioneer List CMHF Tips Doc Chart Extra Credit Assignment Progs Chart  Pullman PapersQED Organizer


Useful Links

Tribune Sun-Times Defender Encyclopedia of Chgo Early Chgo Crime Northwest History CPL Digital Daily News Archive Chgo Tonight City of Century Bungalows



Neighborhood Map Public Domain Sales Federal Survey Plats • Pioneer List • History FairNHD Summary StatementBungalow Search


How can I help you? Please let me know if this website can be better used to help you prepare for success in this class.


Keep in touch via my website or by e-mail.  Updated 4/23/20